Thursday, December 5, 2013

Mom's Name

Second lettering, and much improvement.
Loved the outcome, and those shades.

Felt like a Pro doing it! ;)

You like?

Roses with vintage foliage frame

Loved this one!

And everything about it! The frame, the roses, the shading, the highlights...

First time doing such an intricate work, so i choose a 3RL for the outline... not a smart choice, cos when you shade on top of that, it looks lame. Had to pass it again with a 5RL.
Blended a cup of Red with some black, to get that blood red on the roses.

Hope you enjoy it has much as i did doing it!



Well, ok. Like them or not, Tribal tattoos are the apprentice best friend!
As long you do your job nice and slow, to fill it up really tight without having to pass twice on the same spot, and messing up the skin.

Oh, and i loved to practice those shades.

Looks good? ;)